Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Visit To The Dentist For Bracket Adjustment

I just had my brackets adjusted a while ago. The usual regimen happened which included waiting for one and a half hour under the heat of the sun. Oh yes, my dentist has to share clinic space with another dentist in spite of being very rich and well-off. I think this is because the rate my dentist charges is very, very affordable compared to other dental fees (The affordable was in large text because this is the number one factor people consider nowadays. Let's be practical people.). So the result? People, including myself, come all the way to this place and they we try to endure the long wait that comes with it. Again the usual mass of people were there standing beside me and beside each other. Despite this set-up, I really find it hard to talk to them and start small talk. I am just not very good with this.

Anyway, my house is not very far away, actually it was just a few street away so I decided to wait here in my house. When I came back there after one and a half hour, it still wasn't my turn. So I waited another 45 minutes until my name was called. My dentist and her assistant dentist analyzed my case and told me stuffs. They told me that I only have to wear these brackets for five months (which I am very glad about, I have been waiting for this time to come). Told me that I had a Class II malocclusion (being a dental student, they assumed that I already know this one which yeah I did know these concepts) and that It will be corrected within that five months (mind you, there are a lot of anomalies when it comes to teeth alignment). By the way, I've had these brackets for almost two years now.

It gave me so much relief that I will be free of these in just five months. I mean, having brackets isn't easy. You have to regularly look in the mirror every after eating to check if some food gets stuck in between your teeth. And the fact that I can't eat foods I love to eat (mostly sticky foods) really bothers me.

Anyhow, I am still very fortunate that I was given the chance to have my teeth corrected. I love teeth and I'll be dealing with them soon, so I think I have to have the right set of teeth (or at least a nicely aligned one!).

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